Beaches in Hythe, Kent

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The beach guide has 3 beaches listed in and around the town of Hythe. We have arranged these beaches in order of closest to the town first (distance in brackets).

  • Hythe Beach (0.4 miles)

    Hythe © E Gammie | BY-SA

    Hythe Beach is located on the south-eastern coast, approximately midway between Folkestone and Dymchurch. The unspoiled, mainly pebble beach slopes quite steeply into the sea and the water can become deep surprisingly quickly when the tide is in. The beach at Hythe is backed by a promenade, approximately two miles in length, which is used…

  • Sandgate Beach (1.5 miles)

    Sandgate Beach © Kevin Woolterton | BY-SA

    Sandgate is a small coastal town around 2 miles down the coast from Folkestone. Approximately one mile west of the town centre, this large, pebble beach is used by fishermen , picnickers and anyone looking for a relaxing spot to sit on the shore, skimming stones and watching boats and ferries pass by in the…

  • Dymchurch - Redoubt Beach (2.4 miles)

    Dymchurch - Redoubt © Oast House Archive

    On the A259, about halfway between Dymchurch and Hythe, a granite and sandstone fort overlooks the shoreline. Dymchurch Redoubt was built between 1798 and 1809 to act as a supply depot and barracks to support the 21 Martello Towers which were built between Hythe and Rye in order to defend against a possible Napoleonic invasion.…

Hythe beaches map

Map featuring Hythe beaches. Click on pins to view beach details